Friday, February 8, 2008

Comic Crib Sheet

I don't think of myself as middle aged, but I am by every definition.
And I don't think of myself as a geek, but here I am writing a blog post about comic books. I also never tire of making light of my own contradictions, or definitions.

All that said, sitting here this evening, I have figured out why I really started this blog, other than a place to eventually show off my cool Ruby comic book Database application.
I can catch everyone up.

I know you're out there, former comic book readers, or casual readers, who every once in a while just want to know what's going on with those characters they grew up with. Unfortunately, like tuning into a soap opera after a couple years and finding out that wait, he's not dead? he's married to..?

here is the crib sheet for comics today:
  1. Captain America, Steve Rogers, died.
  2. Iron Man took over SHIELD, and pretty much the world.
  3. Spider-man and everyone else not rebelling unmasked and registered.
  4. Spiderman broke from the government, became an outlaw, and finally made a deal with the devil. Now he is living as Peter Parker, single, never having revealed his Identity, never having met Aunt May, therefore sparing her life.
  5. Thor has come back from the dead, or wherever immortal Gods go, First thing he did was kick Iron Man's ass for making an android from his DNA and using it in the Civil War.
  6. Bucky is now Captain America.

That's it, I'm trying to keep it short. Also, I don't know what's going on with DC, haven't been sucked back into that vortex, yet.

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